Our review of Emulin is a complete guide to Prevail M & C. An incredible health product that we love and want to help bring awareness of.
Normally, as you can probably see, we use this blog for helping people learn more about creating a brand online. We also use this blog to share tips and techniques for marketing your brand.
But occassionally we take advantage of the platform to share things that we love, do, and believe in. This is one of those times.
We are friends with the creator of Emulin, Dr. Joe Ahrens, and have been for a number of years now. We follow him, his teachings, and his product formulations. Dr. Joe is a two-time Nobel-Nominated scientist with a wealth of knowledge about health and wellness.
So …. What Is Emulin?
Emulin is an all-natural patented mix of 3 compounds that work together to manage refined carbs and sugar and to remove inflammation from the human body.
Dr. Joseph Ahrens – a Nobel Prize nominee twice – discovered EMULIN®. Emulin minimizes the negative results of sugars and inflammation creating a proper balance in the body that optimizes the immune system.
Our immune systems were designed to battle disease. But our systems break down and become compromised. Emulin reverses much of the damage and allows our immune systems to operate properly again.
What We’ll Cover In This Review Of Emulin Guide
In this review we’ll go over all things Emulin (often called Emulin M, and Emulin C). Emulin is an incredible discovery that is now available as an all-purpose health supplement built for inflammation but great for so much more.
We’ll begin at the how and why of the discovery, including an intro of Dr. Joe Ahrens, right through to the present day of Emulin. With some hints to an exciting future with Emulin.
We urge you to stay for it all. I think you might like it! If you are a health advocate I know you will like it.
What Are The Ingredients of Emulin
There are 3 ingredients in Emulin that are active and that make up the original formulation. Those 3 active ingredients are Myricetin, Quercetin, and Chlorogenic Acid. The Joe Ahrens Emulin discovery is not about just the ingredients, but in the way they perform together.
There are 3 ingredients in Emulin that are active and that make up the original formulation. Those 3 active ingredients are Myricetin, Quercetin, and Chlorogenic Acid. The Joe Ahrens Emulin discovery is not about just the ingredients, but in the way they perform together.
These 3 ingredients, although intended by nature to be part of our diets, are not found together today. Except now in Emulin. The Emulin patent includes this fact.
Dr. Joe states, “We looked at what we were trying to accomplish. 1) regulate carbohydrates, 2) manage inflammation. With these two, we thought a host of metabolic disorders could be mitigated”.
We developed an algorithm, and with a supercomputer at UCLA, looked at over 10,000 bio-flavonoids and their effects on key regulating enzymes involved in these two areas. We narrowed the list down to 3. The 3 best bio-flavonoids that together, appeared to manage blood sugar and reduce inflammation”.
Joe Ahrens – 2 Time Nobel-Nominated Scientist
Review of Emulin Feature #1 Who Is Dr. Joe Ahrens
Dr. Joe Ahrens is a plant physiologist in Florida who founded ATM Metabolics. Dr. Joe discovered Emulin M and Emulin C and is now making it available to the world. ATM’s mission to discover and provide all-natural treatments for metabolic and neurological disorders is changing lives. They use derivatives of plants for results.
“We are a research firm focused on returning to the origins of drug discovery by exploring the metabolic and physiological pathways of plants in an effort to better understand how these unique systems may offer us clues to creating better and safer therapeutics”.
“We are dedicated to the discovery of new and useful treatments for metabolic and neurological disorders”.
ATMMet: Real Solutions to Metabolic Disorders
Current ATM operations include further development of Emulin for even more advanced formulations. As it’s said, a scientist’s work is always ongoing.
All his life Dr. Joseph Ahrens has worked hard to bring superior solutions to the health of others. He will continue to do so.
Dr. Ahrens work has been a major passion for him all his life. He applies himself, studies, and strives to become better every day. And it shows. His accomplishments are plenty and Emulin has become his pride and joy.
His Education
Like a lot of other researchers, Dr. Joe received most of his dominant education at the University of California, Davis. Preceding were stints at the University of Florida and Tennessee.
- Specialist in Perishables at the University of California, Davis (1989–1994)
- PhD in Plant Physiology with a minor in Tropical Agriculture, U of Florida, 1989
- MS in Horticulture (Technology & Food Science), and Botany, U of Florida, 1985
- BS in Agriculture (Animal Physiology), U of Tennessee, 1981
His Career
Joseph Ahrens career has been robust and global. In 1992 he co-founded Freshconsult Ges.m.b.H, in Salsburg, Austria, and led the organization as their Director of Agriculture from 1992–1997.
One of his projects there was the development of secure shipping routes in Mali, Belarus, and Brazil. Plus he directed the construction of the initial inland refrigeration terminal in Africa. Freshconsult was obtained in 1997 by Royal Dutch Shell .
His next adventure as Director of Research for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) in 2001 would be the door that opened to him discovering Emulin. Before Emulin though, he launched several top products such as Grapefruit Slush, Citrus Clean, and the Grapefruit Solution.
Disney World’s #1 beverage is still Grapefruit Slush.
GNC’s top-selling supplement was The Grapefruit Solution for years.
But most importantly, his work with the Grapefruit Solution produced something life-changing. During the grapefruit studies he noticed some activity in his grapefruit test subjects that mimicked insulin. This turned out to be the start of his Emulin discovery.
Dr. Joe Ahrens created ATM Metabolics in 2007. It was his jump to go all-in on duplicating the activity he saw earlier. It was his hunch that it would turn into something big.
As it turns out his hunch became a reality.
His Nobel Nominations
Some of Dr. Joe’s projects that could fall in the category of more-than-special have led to global recognition in the form of 2 Nobel nominations (2015-2016).
One of those, in particular, came from his work helping to prevent the spread of Ebola in Africa. Such an honorable cause that required diligent work to get it right.
Emulin Review Featured Video #1 – Dr Joe Ahrens Work With Ebola And Dengue
Review of Emulin Feature Video #2 – Dr Joe’s Discovery
The Emulin story. A great story of discovery that we tell often. And we will continue to tell it every chance we get. Once you know the story you might see why we love to talk about it so much.
It started with grapefruit of all things. When Dr. Joe was director of FDOC (Florida Department of Citrus) he launched a study to prove people could legitimately lose weight eating grapefruit.
It was an indepth study. The were searching for physiological changes in the body. Human trials were done at Scripts Institute and the results were even better than he hoped for weight loss.
Something Shocking Happened Next
But Dr. Joe noticed something else happening during these studies that had him even more intrigued. There appeared to be an unexplained insulin-like activity occurring with the test subjects that he had not seen before.
For a scientist this phenomenon they were witnessing was beyond exciting, and of course they had to know more. They found something. Something they couldn’t explain yet. Something that might be far more impactful on a person’s health than the weight loss.
So now Joe Ahrens was excited about telling his employer, the FDOC about his finding. Surely they would be excited too!
But The FDOC Was Only Concerned With Weight Loss
To Dr. Joe’s amazement the FDOC wasn’t at all interested in this other finding. They were happy and content in the grapefruit results and that was it.
But not Joe Ahrens. He was far more interested in learning more about what was causing the blood glucose changes.
When the FDOC said “you’ve done what we needed you can pull off that project now” this was unacceptable to the scientist. He knew he had stumbled across something big that could change lives. He wasn’t about to just let it go. So he didn’t.
Joe Ahrens Starts His Own Company and Discovers Sugar Chaperones – The Prelude To Emulin
Dr. Joe only has one option if he is to do what any scientist would want to do now. He must do the work on his own. He has no other choice.
So that’s what he did. Joe starts his own company ATM Metabolics with his new top priority in mind. To find out what is causing these physiological changes that are mimicking the workings of insulin.
He had his work cut out for him. He knew that. It would be necessary to accumulate the proper equipment and resources … and funding to get the job done.
Painstakingly, he was able to round up all these things and went to work. Interested parties provided super-computers at the highest level enabling Dr. Joe to search across all plant life.
It was now a matter of sorting and sifting, some trial and error, and a bit of luck. But eventually he had his answers.
And we’re not talking about a few months here. It took years but he stuck with it and ended up with the 3 most active enzymes that together are now known as Emulin.
The 3 substances live in the skins of several different berries and fruits but particularly those in the tropics. These cellular compounds were meant by nature to be a part of our regular diets. Doctor Joe coined them sugar chaperones.
But with soil degradation, processing, and manufacturing these sugar chaperones have long ago been bred out of our foods and diets.
Long ago people could have a steady diet of fruits high in sugar without issues. Some still can. The fruits contained ample amounts of these sugar chaperones. But give those same people sugar-filled cookies and cupcakes and watch what happens. Major sugar issues including diabetes.
Man made sugar bombs have no way of directing the sugar away from areas in the body where they do harm.
That’s what sugar chaperones do. They direct sugar way from areas of the body where they would normally get stored in fact cells. Instead let’s carry that sugar to better places. Such as muscles and the brain to be used as fuel for energy.
Joe Ahrens Replies To “How Did You Discover Emulin”
Review of Emulin Feature Video #3 – How Does Emulin Work
Prevail Emulin is an all-natural product that creates pathways and opens doors in the body to direct and manage carbohydrates for maximum metabolic benefit.
It’s not a gimmick. Emulin is as real as it gets. A real product delivering real results for real people with zero adverse side-effects. Backed by science and published studies.
And now I’m going to tell you how Emulin works. This could get a tad technical. I’ll do my best to keep it in language we all can understand.
There is a process that begins immediately upon the ingestion of carbohydrates. This process engages 7 actions. Emulin has an impact on this entire process.
Emulin stops, slows, interrupts, or alters these 7 actions that normally occur when a person ingests sugar, starch, and/or carbohydrates.
- Block Starch to Sugar Conversion – Emulin will stop or slow the starch to sugar conversion. This action begins immediately after eating
- Slow The Absorption Of Glucose – The body begins absorbing glucose almost immediately starting in the upper GI tract. By slowing this process less sugar enters the bloodstream.
- Change The Glucose Route – Normally the body will treat sugar or glucose as a toxin and deposit it in fat cells as it does with all other toxins. Emulin alters this course. Sugar is much better served as food and energy in the muscles and in the brain.
- Interrupt The Forming Of Fat – When sugar gets dumped into fat tissue it turns into more fat. But when Emulin reroutes sugar to the muscles and brain, just the opposite occurs. Food for muscles increases energy which burns fat.
- Glucose Homeostasis – Insulin’s job is to help transport glucose to where it’s supposed to go. But insulin doesn’t always work as it should. Luckily, Emulin mimics insulin and jumps in when insulin fails. The result is a better sugar balance for better health.
- Helps Insulin Do A Better Job – Not only does Emulin jump in and take over when insulin fails … it also helps insulin do a better job when it is working. And once again this creates a better healthier blood sugar balance.
- Increases Your Body’s Sensitivity To Insulin – With Emulin working alongside insulin, your body requires less of the insulin to get the maximum benefit. So Emulin to the rescue once again.
Joe Ahrens Replies To “How Does Emulin Work”
How Does Emulin Compare Other Health Supplements?
As we all well know there is a huge assortment of health products on the market. Some are good, some are great, and some not so good. But in my personal experience speaking from a lifetime of taking supplements … nothing quite compares with Emulin.
But as the Emulin creator Dr. Joe says … this is no magic pill. It is a supplement to go with healthy eating and healthy living. And if you do that, Emulin will serve you well.
Dr. Joe Ahrens Answers “What Makes Emulin Different”
Lowering Sugar Intake Alone Won’t Work To Reduce Blood Glucose
Our bodies have memory and will always return to it’s former state. When we become stripped of sugar we actually make our own. Emulin though slows this sugar-making process considerably. Metformin (the top drug for diabetics), does the same thing.
Review of Emulin Feature #4 – Emulin Benefits
Joe Ahrens’ company ATM Metabolics says this about Emulin:
“Emulin® is a naturally derived compound that has the unique ability to “buffer” and “quelch” the effects of glucose on the human metabolic pathway which will be instrumental in treating hyperglycemia and hopefully improve the lives of diabetics worldwide..”
“Emulin® is an incredible discovery. It is a whole new way of attacking the problems of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, the precursor of diabetes. Metabolic Syndrome is a disorder of aging which is made up of five symptoms which are often seen together and predict diabetes.”
And they talk about Metabolic Syndrome, listing 5 symptoms
- Obesity – mainly around the waist
- Blood pressure higher than normal
- High cholesterol
- Triglycerides higher than normal
- Blood glucose levels abnormally high
Signs Of Diabetes Could Include Any Of These Symptoms Listed
*NOTE: Emulin doesn’t just benefit people with metabolic syndrome or high sugar issues. It purges inflammation from the body and this adds an entirely new dimension to the product and it’s benefits.
If you know about inflammation and all the complications from it then you’ll have a good idea what I mean.
Back in 2004 there was a featured story and cover in Time Magazine called Inflammation: The Secret Killer
Emulin attacks two very critical issues that we all suffer from on a regular basis. Two issues in addition to the metabolic syndrome that are both contributing factors to assorted health conditions.
Some of those conditions are major and some are minor, but all can be challenging to our lives.
Emulin benefits are a result of the reversal of the following two conditions:
- Excessive refined carbs
- Chronic Inflammation
Refined carbohydrates are dangerous to our systems and they lead to unwanted sugar and harmful inflammation
Purging our bodies of these toxins starts a process of good health and wellness. We hear it regularly from happy Emulin users. The stories are uplifting and wonderful.
Dr. Joe Ahrens Answers “Why Is Emulin Needed?”
Emulin Research
Emulin research was performed at a top diabetes center that showed drops in blood glucose up to 33% compared to a control group (Ahrens & Thompson, J. Med. Food. 2013 Mar;16(3):211-5).
Over years of development by the doctors and scientists that include numerous studies, I will discuss 2 of them. They are both on the ATM Metabolics website too.
And I’ll update this content as more studies are published.
#1. A Study Conducted At Eurofins Laboratories
- Clinical Trials
- 50 Untreated Diabetic Subjects
- 10 Non-diabetic Control Subjects
- 20% Drop In Glucose Levels
- Glucose Increase In Placebo Subjects
A glucose reduction of 27% indicates Emulin’s potential for diabetics. It was exciting for the scientists to see glucose management possibilities at this level.
Dr. Gary Grover, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Director of Pharmacology for Eurofins, said the following about it …
“This is one of the most difficult and extreme research models to test with and I was very impressed with the outcome…I have never seen anything perform like this in this severe of a model, other than insulin itself…you may be regenerating B[eta]-cells”
#2. Human Trials @Dgd Research Labs
- 40 Type 2 Diabetic Subjects
- 10 Emulin / 10 diabetes drug / 10 placebo / 10 drug & Emulin
- Emulin Beat The Drug in Lowering Glucose
Dr. Mark Kipnes, Executive Vice President and Associate Medical Director of dgd Cetero Labs said this in regard to the study …
“Emulin® does a better job at reducing blood sugar levels in type II diabetes than metformin, the most commonly prescribed drug. Emulin®…[is] a genuine breakthrough.”
“At the end of one week, those subjects on placebo had a slight increase in fasting blood glucose levels, which continued into the second week… Those persons taking Emulin® alone had an 11% decline at one week and a 20% decline by week 2”.
Emulin’s History – Emulin In The News
Dr. Joe Ahrens made a discovery in 2001 that has since changed thousands of people’s lives. He was working on a weight loss solution with grapefruits at the time. After that they spent years learning more and perfecting on their initial finding.
To begin production of Emulin they started their new company ATM Metabolics. Back then they were calling it “Sugar Shocker” Eventually it became Emulin – the thing that emulated insulin.
Since them Emulin has gained attention, including from mainstream media. Here’s some videos that were made from those early days
Review Of Emulin Featured Video #4 – Emulin In The News – Orlando 2009
Emulin Testimonials
A review of Emulin would not be complete without testimonials. Product testimonials I think give huge credibility so I will always try hard to provide as many as I can. It shouldn’t be hard and we have plenty that’s for sure. It’s just a matter of getting them transferred over to this page
Review of Emulin Featured Video #5 – Joan Parson’s Amazing Emulin Story
I could end here but instead I’ll provide a couple bonus topics and link to pages with even more complete info on those topics.
#1 Review of Emulin Bonus – Emulin & Inflammation
Two types of inflammation … acute and chronic. One’s good, the other is bad.
Inflammation is a normal defense function. It’s what happens when our bodies respond to injury. This inflammation response defends our body from bacteria and viruses. It also helps repair injured tissues and helps heal wounds. This is “acute” inflammation and it’s short term. It does it’s thing and then retreats.
Chronic inflammation is just the opposite. It stays around and builds up. And this buildup is what can cause major damage all throughout our body. So instead of fixing things like acute inflammation does, it breaks things.
The sugar and carbohydrates that we ingest (carbs become sugar quickly after consumption) become deposited in fat cells. That’s what the body does when it senses toxins and poisons.
The process of depositing sugar and carbs includes another event. The body releases inflammatory signals at the same time. This is a normal defensive mechanism.
However, because it happens so often …daily and multiple times daily, it becomes a problem. The buildup that occurs becomes chronic inflammation.
This is where Emulin comes in. Emulin has an amazing ability to re-route all the excess sugar to other parts of the body. Les sugar, less inflammatory reaction, less buildup.
This is how Emulin wins against inflammation.
#2 Review Of Emulin Bonus – Emulin vs Weight Loss
Prevail Emulin is not considered a product for weight loss. But Emulin has been known to assist in weight loss for those taking it. It makes sense that this would happen.
Excessive sugar intake will almost always have an adverse effect on body weight. And the amount of sugar intake in the world now is alarming. Did you know that people intake up to 50 teaspoons of sugar every single day. That is absurd and makes sense that there would be an obesity problem and especially in America. More sugar is consumed in the USA than in any other country.
Any good review of Emulin will explain that a main function of the product is to redirect the route sugar takes when it enters your body. Normally, and without Emulin, those sugars and carbs will be deposited in fat cells to sit and grow.
But with Emulin, the toxins (sugar and carbs) will instead go to the muscles and the brain to be used in a positive way. As food and energy for the body to function more optimally.
People move more when they have energy. They exercise and burn calories …. and they lose weight. That’s how Emulin helps. Redirecting sugar to be used as food and energy in the muscles and the brain. It get people off the couch! Using energy has always been an effective solution to losing weight.
But here’s something else that’s really cool. Taking Emulin with food blocks about one third of the calories. They never have a chance to even get stored. And of course this also contributes to weight loss.
So we can say that weight loss is a side effect of Emulin.
But there’s more. Athletes are especially fond of Emulin as well. You’ve probably heard of carb-loading. Athletes often do this before an event. The problem with that though is the crash that follows it.
It seems Emulin helps with the carb-crash. Consequently theses athletes are experiencing better performances. They can go longer with the extra energy from loading but without the crash.
That’s enough to get any athlete excited.
The Future of Prevail Emulin
We are excited about our futures with Prevail Emulin and more products coming from Joe Ahrens. Dr. Joe is a great scientist and product formulator and he has a lot in the works. You don’t get Nobel nominations if you’re just average.
We are excited about our futures with Prevail Emulin and more products coming from Joe Ahrens. Dr. Joe is a great scientist and product formulator and he has a lot in the works. You don’t get Nobel nominations if you’re just average.
One thing we do know, Joe Ahrens is passionate about his work. He’s on a mission to get Emulin into the hands of people all over the world. There are more studies in the works to help people realize that everyone needs Emulin and it will be exciting to be a part of it all.
I hope this review of Emulin had value and helped you in some way. I would love to hear anything you have to say about it please leave a comment and we’ll reply promptly.
How To Purchase Prevail Emulin
The Valentus company has exclusive rights to Prevail Emulin. It can only be purchased through a Valentus rep.
My name is Brett and I am a rep with Valentus. You can go to my Valentus website to see prices and to purchase
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