July 7


Make It Happen In 2022 With A Big Win In Your Business

By Brett Gurney

July 7, 2022

Personal Branding

We all want a big win in our lives. Something that puts us on top of the world, guarantees freedom, or makes everything better. 

But that sounds like winning a lottery…and that’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about a big win in your business…and I’m talking about creating that big win.

woman with yellow blouse celebrating big win

We Have To Create Our Big Win

A big win in your business adds fuel to your fire and will help kick your business into the next gear. And it's a building block for more wins to come. A series of little wins will become that big win that we all strive for.

Our big business wins will come from a series of little wins, and defeats too. No one wins all the time… but we create wins through planning, taking action, sheer determination and lots of hard work.

We have to create a win of some sort, to establish ourselves as leaders. Winners attract others that may want to work with us.. And when we do, we show others what we did, and how, and that they can too. And we create followers doing it. To create followers, we become winners.

Everyone’s Business Win is different

For beginners a big win may be something as simple as creating a blog. Getting it up online and driving traffic to it, or getting subscribers to that blog. Or maybe getting a sales funnel up and functional on their blog.

That’s a big deal and something to be proud of.

To others it may be reaching a certain rank in their company. Or a certain position in the search engines with a popular keyword. What about being able to leave a full time job and coming home to work … or bringing a spouse home from their full time job.

Maybe getting a child into a certain college, or being able to go on that dream vacation. Those are all big wins worth celebrating.

red award ribbon for a big winner

Promote Your Big Win

Use your big win to further your success in your business and promote it to the world. Encourage others and establish yourself as a leader.

People are looking for winners. They are wired to join winners, winning teams, and leaders. Talk about your big win. Share how you accomplished it, what it took, and how you feel about hitting that mark … and create that followership.

Everyone loves hard workers that make things happen. It’s inspirational and shows anything is possible.

Big Wins In Your Business Come from Win Stacking

Our big win doesn’t happen overnight or without a fight. We don’t just fall into it, we work for it and we make it happen. We do that by getting little wins along the way … and some defeats too.

We stack the little wins until they become a big win. And we learn from the defeats. We apply what we learn to stack more wins.

stacked coins equals stacking wins

No one wins all the time …it’s a process…and sometimes a long drawn out process. But then the exhilaration and rewards are ten fold. So talk about those little wins and those defeats along the way. And learn to turn some of those defeats into wins.

Learn to turn the negatives into positives. And keep going. Win stacking never ends. It’s a continual ongoing process. A map and a path to success.

That victor’s mentality can push anyone to the extreme. We push the envelope and strengthen our win muscles, not our defeat muscles. And we continue on our path to our big win.

How will that big win make you feel

Winning feels good and we all want that. It feels good getting closer with each little win.

Seeing that light getting brighter and brighter each step of the way is a huge motivator. That drive for satisfaction and triumph will get you there.

On the other hand think also about how not reaching your big win will make you feel. Disappointment or fear of failure can be a huge motivator and a driving force in itself.

3 friends giving high five

Set your mind that failure is not an option. The only option is to get that next win…and keep going. There’s no better motivation than progress. Just keep going.

That Big Business Win Is Yours For The Taking

It's true! It is there for the taking. But that's exactly what you have to do. You have to take it.

That win is not going to run up and jump in your lap. Sometimes it will run from you. And when that happens, you have to chase it down. 

It's not easy. It's never easy. You have to become the aggressor. The go-getter. You have to make it happen.

Feeling Free Silhouette From A Big Win

Not sure how? Most don't. At least not at first. So you have to learn. You have to research, study, and learn. Find those that are successful in your niche and do what they do. Get a mentor.

But whatever you do don't fall into that training trap. If you find yourself getting stuck in training then throw it away and just take action. Taking action and learning from your mistakes, and from your successes, and from your wins, is the best way!

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Brett Gurney

About the author

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